Welcome Monday, right?
Before you dig into your email looking for that invite to an interview, stop!
Open up your calendar first! See what activities you've got going on for the day. Now, if you ...
Search Results for: motivation monday
Motivation Monday: That Feeling of Accomplishment
What is it that gives you satisfaction? When do you feel like you're on a roll? When are you happiest? I think part of the answer to these three questions has to do with completing tasks and getting ...
Motivation Monday: Newton’s Three Career Laws
Today's motivation comes from Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion. Now wait, before you click away, it relates to your career, really! ...
Motivation Monday: From the Wizard of Oz
My all time favorite movie is "The Wizard of Oz." I could watch it over and over again (and have). I seem to find great meaning in this film which of course, relate to careers, job search and ...
Motivation Monday: Your Punch List
As I was looking around the house this weekend, I happened to notice some repair work that needed to get done. Nothing major, but none-the-less, noticeable things. I realized that I'd been walking by ...
Motivation Monday: Are You Kissing Enough Frogs?
You've heard the saying "You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince," right? I think this same logic applies to your job search. In order for you to find your prince (or princess) you ...
Motivation Monday: Anything Is Possible, If…
Ordinary people can achieve what others may consider extraordinary results. It happens every day. It can happen for you, if...
What Is It That Sets the Ordinary Apart?
There is absolutely nothing ...
Motivation Monday: Tis the Season to be Happy, Healthy, and Wise
It is officially December and as we head into the hectic holidays, it is time to make sure all the stress doesn't take its toll. Here are three tips for staying happy, healthy and wise!
#1 Be ...
Motivation Monday: Make Your Week SOAR!
You have the power to influence how your week goes! It is just as easy to soar as it is to be sour!
It is funny how a typo can become the topic of a post. As I was typing the word soar, my fingers ...
Motivation Monday: Time for a Career Tune-Up
Any time of year is a good time to do a career tune-up. The trick is finding time to do it. ...
Motivation Monday: Like-ability
Are you likable?
Try doing these things this week to increase your like-ability factor!
Listen more than you speak.
Ask other-centric questions.
Help someone who hasn't asked for ...
Motivation Monday: Summer Cruzin’
For me, summer is about cruising (taking it easy): lakes, family, and a bit of R&R. If this is the case, then how did we get into August so quickly? Is anyone else thinking it was just June? As ...
Motivation Monday: Follow and Trust the Process
Yes, there is a process for job search and in order for you to achieve the desired results, it requires you follow it and have trust that it will work. Today's post is a reminder and some tips on ...
Motivation Monday: Go Team!
I've been spending WAY too much time at the baseball fields this summer. Watching, sideline coaching, cheering, chilling. Given the way my brain works, I can't help but draw the connection between ...
Motivation Monday: Make It a Productive Summer
For some of you, the kids are done with school and so begins another week of their vacation but don't let that interfere with your job search. Or maybe you are living back home after graduation. Here ...
Motivation Monday at #STC12: Creativity is Work!
Creativity, innovation, new ideas...Got 'em? They are not as elusive as we may think, at least according to Scott Berkun. He delivered the keynote at the Society for Technical Communication 2012 ...
Motivation Monday: Switch It Up
Here we are again at the start of another week! Will you drag yourself into work at a job you despise (or dislike immensely) or maybe you are waking up dreading another week of networking and chasing ...
Motivation Monday: Sometimes…
Maybe everything happens for a reason. Could it be you haven't found a job yet because the "right" one isn't available yet? Maybe you have to be so miserable in your current job for a reason. Is ...
Motivation Monday: Blue Sky Day
There is something I find so inspiring about looking up at a cloudless blue sky! When was the last time you stopped and really looked?
Living in Upstate New York near Lake Ontario, we don't see as ...
Motivation Monday: You’ve Got Nothing to Lose
We all have voices in our heads that tell us stuff we don't want to hear. Why do we listen to these voices? They are holding you back. I know they hold me back. There is a connectivity between ...
Motivation Monday: Live It
We are only here for a finite period of time. How much of that time will you be able to say you have truly lived? Job search is a tiny blip of your life. You have a choice to live it or get stuck in ...
Motivation Monday: Fear
Job search is mentally exhausting. Who doesn't need a weekly dose of motivation- a good ol' kick in the pants or an inspirational moment to take on new challenges? Monday's posts are motivational ...
Motivation Monday: And Your Second Half Is About to Begin
Congratulations to the Giants! (Even though our house was cheering for the Patriots last night.)
During the last minute of the forth quarter we were all on the edge of our seats, hoping the ...
Motivation Monday: New Job or Bust
Will 2012 be the year you land a new job?
Millions of people resolve to make things better in their lives starting January 1st. Are you one of them? I don't want to see you fall off the wagon, so ...
Motivation Monday: Recreating Happy Moments
When I think of times I've been happiest, purely and simply happy, there are usually several re0ccuring elements:
Good friends
Shared experience
What are the two or three (maybe more) ...
Motivation Monday: Unemployment
Have you ever said to yourself, "I am so sick and tired of looking for a job?"
You certainly aren't alone. It just takes longer.
Unemployment Duration
Here are November 2011 stats from the BLS ...
Motivation Monday
It takes so little to make an impact. Like the metaphor of a drop of water and its ripple effect.
It all starts with one single and often simple act (of kindness).
So often, during job search, I ...
Motivation Monday: Excuses to Network
Do you ever feel like you've slipped into a time warp? It seems like just yesterday was Halloween and now we are closing in on December. How did that happen? Where did the time go?
I suppose the ...
Motivation Monday
It is here again...Monday. Either love it or hate it, this week is what you make of it. Here are some ideas to convert your job search to a proactive initiative, where you are in control!
Wear ...
Motivation Monday: Enjoy the Journey
We are all "works in process"- Being molded and shaped by our experiences both personally and professionally.
During your transition after a layoff, this process can be painful and enlightening. ...