This interviewing eBook will help you interview more confidently!
All too often, job seeker’s I work with tell me they go into the interview process feeling like they have to sell themselves to the interviewer.
The problem is that most of us aren’t trained salespeople, so we aren’t using the best sales methodologies. The other problem is that we don’t even like the idea of having to sell ourselves. So the end result is a stressful, uncomfortable situation where you feel anxious instead of confident.
But I have a secret, several secrets, actually, that will make the interview easier for you.
Secret #1:
Instead of thinking “I want this job” during your next job interview, shift to asking yourself “Do I want this job?”
This small change naturally forces you to ask questions to evaluate the potential job, boss and company.
Secret #2:
Asking questions conveys your interest in the role and company. (Plus employers like interested candidates.)
Secret #3:
Telling concise, relevant stories while answering interview questions draw the interviewer in!
Storytelling has been a proven marketing and sales tactic forever! You can tell stories too.
Do I Want This Job? – Interviewing ebook
I developed this interviewing ebook to provide you with the power of knowing what to expect and the confidence that comes from knowing how to showcase your strengths.

It’s designed to help you ask questions during the interview and provide answers so that you feel more comfortable and confident.
Just $14.99
Here’s what you get:
- 7 Things you must do before you even start interviewing
- Nail your intro (your answer to “tell me about yourself”)
- Identify which stories you’ll tell before the interview
- 100+ Sample questions to practice answering out loud
- 30+ Questions you can ask the interviewer
- The best way to follow-up after your job interview
- Always send Thank You messages after job interviews (and a sample)
- Learn why you need to create a 30-60-90 day plan
- Interview prep checklist (everything you need for an upcoming interview)
- Checklist of items to negotiate

Never feel unprepared for a job interview again!
Do I Want This Job interviewing ebook is your guide to more confident interviewing!
Order your copy today! $14.99