How well do you manage your time? Time management in job search is challenging.
This is what I know. Time management in job search is hard and here are some of the reasons why. You are:
- Forced to create your own schedule.
- Don’t have anyone monitoring your progress.
- Face rejection and obstacles that make you want to stop.
But, with a little structure and prioritization, you can do this.
Jason Alba’s post from his JibberJobber blog provides structure. Here is how he recommended spending your time…
- Lunches and/or breakfasts and/or “coffees” every single day. (10 hours a week)
- Network meetings – 3 or 4 meetings for professionals in transition, and others for working professionals. (10 hours a week)
- Computer time – crafting cover letters and tweaking resumes for different job postings, checking emails, responding to emails, etc. (5 hours a week)
- LinkedIn Strategy – searching for contacts and target companies, reaching out to them on or outside of LinkedIn (5 hours a week)
- Calling people, and networking my way into target companies – This is time consuming, and takes guts to pick up the phone (even if it’s to contacts you know) – but more effective than combing the job boards all day. (10 hours a week)
- Learning. Make sure what you are doing is principle-based – my job search wasn’t, and that’s why I was spinning wheels. (5 hours a week)
Structure Your Time
Here is how to pull all these pieces together and structure Your week
Invest More Time Networking
Here is why it’s important to invest time networking:
The majority of jobs are filled before they reach the public. Don’t take my word for it, see how jobs are filled.
If you are relying on job postings that means you are only responding to some of the available jobs. No wonder you aren’t seeing any good jobs online.
Get tips on how to get referred for your next job.
How People Land Jobs
In a classic breakdown of how people land jobs:
10-15% job posting online or in print.
10-15% connecting with a recruiter
10-15% direct company contact (company career page)
70+% networking
Use these percentages to help you allocate how you manage your 30-35 hour week.
Allocate Time To High ROI Activities
- Cut back on the time you spend applying for jobs online
- Connect regularly with recruiters
- Create a target list of potential employers so you can keep them on your radar
- Network your tail off
Having a plan and following it will allow you to manage all these activities.

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.