In order to better compete in your job search, you want to understand what recruiters look for when hiring in 2017. Jobvite’s 2017 Recruiter Nation Report sheds light on what’s most important to recruiters as the source and interview job candidates.
Trends In Hiring in 2017
Jobvite’s 2017 Recruiter Nation Report is the result of surveying 831 recruiters in the US about “attitudes, behaviors, fears, strategies, and predictions for how to build the best companies possible — good people, good practices, and good culture.”
In order to intelligently job search, you need to understand what matters to recruiters and what their priorities are. What follows is my analysis of the findings.
What Makes A Good Candidate
Recruiters rated these as the top three factors they use to evaluate candidates. So what this means is that talking with company insiders is invaluable. Not only could it result in an employee to refer you for a job (which will increase your odds of securing a job), it also provides you with information about the company culture that will help you determine whether you will fit in.
Quality Sources For Hiring
Not all new hires are equal. One factor recruiters pay attention to is the quality of the new employee. In other words, how well do they perform once hired? When asked where recruiters found quality employees, the top source was through employee referrals (41%) followed by internal candidates (40%). Take note that social and professional networks ranked highly for quality of hire at 22%.
As you look at the methods/channels used by recruiters to find candidates, think about how you can better use your time and energy and prioritize job search activities that match these recruiter preferences.
Social Media Discoveries
In last year’s Jobvite study, 94% of recruiters reported using social media to research candidates at some point during the process. While this question wasn’t reported on this year, what was reported was what recruiters found when researching candidates on social media and how it impacted their decisions.
The Good
There are positive outcomes from sharing on social media. Recruiters reported being positively influenced by what they saw when researching candidates social media profiles. The takeaway for job seekers is to use social media to your advantage. These are the top three things recruiters say helped move a candidate forward:
- Examples of written or design work (65%)
- Engagement in volunteering, mentoring, or non-profits (63%)
- Mutual connections (35%)
The Bad
It’s important to remember that what you share and say on social media is being evaluated and is being used to decide whether to invite you for an interview or move you forward in the process. Don’t give recruiters a reason to eliminate you!
- Marijuana use (61%)
- Political rants (51%)
- Spelling/grammar errors (48%)
Jobvite has found that recruiters reactions to social media content have changed over time based on shifts in our society and culture. For example, the legalization of marijuana in some states has decreased the number of recruiters who see this negatively this year. And fewer recruiters view selfies negatively today than three years ago.
Subjectively, What Matters
A candidate may get an interview based on their experience and qualifications, however, those aren’t the only things being evaluated. It’s the little things that matter. Pay attention to these top things recruiters say influenced their decision to hire a candidate.
- Conversations skills (69%)
- Knowledge of the industry (65%)
- Enthusiasm (62%)
And don’t overlook preparing questions for the interviewer, your appearance / personal style and punctuality, because they matter too!
Top Deal Breakers
During the interview, it isn’t just your answers that make or break your chances. It’s how you behave. Recruiters eliminated candidates who did these things during the interview and the top answers may surprise you.
- Candidate was rude to the receptionist or support staff (86%)
- Candidate checked phone during the interview (71%)
- Candidate showed up late (58%)
- Candidate had bad hygiene (52%)
Things Candidates Do
Crazy, but true. These are some of the things recruiters have seen during the recruiting process.
- A candidate wearing too casual of attire to an interview
- A candidate who didn’t know what company they were interviewing for
- An interview lasting 10 minutes
- Sexual harassment / sexist attitudes expressed by a candidate
Talking Money
To attract the best talent, companies are willing to pay more. The good news is that 84% of job seekers report they were successful in negotiating a higher salary. But there’s some bad news. 51% of recruiters didn’t like it when candidates attempted to negotiate. Though only 17% decided not to extend a job offer.
More Help
Learn more about being a referred candidate? Read this: 7 Things You Must Know About Getting Referred for a Job
Learn more about how you can use social media to your benefit during job search. Read 7 Social Media Tricks for Your Career and Job Search
Learn more about preparing for your job interview. Read How To Prepare for An Interview
Learn about how to negotiate your job offer. Read 9 Tips To Negotiate A Job Offer Like A Pro

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.