Envisioning your future may help you find your dream job. Take this guided tour and answer questions to help you find your bliss.

Years ago, I attended a very inspirational seminar. No, it wasn’t Tony Robbins. It was Yvonne Conte, Humor Advantage. Humor is her trademark.
Here’s a lead-in to the seminar I attended:
Life is either one we react to or one we create for ourselves. This is a course for anyone who wants to live a more satisfying life. It is about making changes in the way we think.
Changing our thinking, changes our actions and new actions produce new results.
If you’ve just received a pink slip, if you’re last kid just got married, if you are experiencing any kind of loss, if life is good but you just feel something is missing or if you have always wanted to write that novel or climb that mountain or get that promotion, but can’t get started… this is for you.
What made her seminar such an incredible experience for me was one exercise she asked us to do. Before heading into the exercise, however, she got us laughing. She got us comfortable and feeling good. (That was critical, in my estimation).
Her exercise started by asking us to breathe deep and close our eyes. (Yeah, I know, sounds a little alternative, but heck, I follow the rules)
The Start of a New Day
She asked us to envision that we were waking up to the perfect day. What was the weather, what did we have for breakfast, who was with us.
Where are You Going
Next she asked us to think about what we would be doing for the rest of the day. I can’t remember if she used the word “work”, somehow that doesn’t seem to fit. But you get my drift.
How would we get there, how long would it take.
My Day Is My Own
Once we were where we would be working (keeping in mind it could have been at home) she asked us to think about
What did it look like, who was there, what were the surroundings inside and outside.
A Day Filled With Sunshine…
Hour by hour, describe the types of projects you are working on, the types of people you are working with or for, envision what you will be doing throughout a day.
Tick Tock: How Time Flies
When the end of the day arrives, she asked us to describe how we felt.
Notice that money didn’t enter into this exercise.
We all absolutely know how important money is, however, it clogs the brain. Thinking about work in terms of its monetary value is practical, yet frequently limits our ability to think outside of the box and really get in tune with our priorities and values.
This exercise is short enough for you to do regularly. Don’t wait to be in job search or crisis mode.
Envision your dream and then conduct a reality check.
Life is just too darn short to get stuck doing something you can’t tolerate or don’t enjoy. What are you going to do about it?
Try envisioning your future!
If you are looking for other ways to improve your job search check out these articles:
Looking For A New Job? How To Job Search Today
Simple Instructions for How to do What You Love
Choosing A Career Can Be Overwhelming

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded CareerSherpa.net to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.