Interviewing, job searching and a wide range of activities are required in securing a new job today. Job seekers need to do more, improve their skills and try new things to grab attention and secure a new job.

Did you do enough to prepare for a recent job interview or did you wing it? Did you send your resume to someone requesting a meeting and never hear back?
If you are using the same tactics or strategies you used last time (or that every other job seeker uses), it’s time to up your game. Employers are busy or overwhelmed and it’s going to take more to catch their attention. And during a job interview, they want to know you’ve done your research.
See how to tap into the power of employee referral programs and what the workforce is predicted to look like after the pandemic.
In this week’s Summary Sunday about interviewing, job searching and more, I’ve compiled articles that address:
- how to improve how you prepare for job interviews
- out-of-the-box ideas for gaining attention during your job search
- Employee referral program data
- what to say in your resignation letter
- lists of job search experts to follow (or listen to)
- what the workforce will look like after COVID-19
Please share these articles and/or give the author a shoutout on social media.
2 Best Tools for Interview Research | Avid Careerist
How to Use Facebook to Prepare for an Interview |
The Personal Pitch Deck: Unconventional ideas on getting a job | Cullen McGrath
5 Ways To Reach Out To Recruiters That Feel Refreshing | Fast Company
[Just wanted to insert a recommendation here. These ideas would be more effective if you sent them to a hiring manager – not a recruiter.]
Write A Resignation Letter That Leaves The Door Open | Career Impressions
2020 Employee Referral Program Data! How Do You Stack Up? | Fistful of Talent

70+ Best Career Podcasts to Listen to for Job Search and Career Growth Advice | CareerMetis
Top Job Search Experts to Follow on LinkedIn for 2021 |
Job Seeker Advocates On Twitter 2021
The Future Of Work After COVID-19 | McKinsey & Company

Wall Street Journal Career Summit | Wall Street Journal

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.