Can you really be objective when you assess your job search…really? I have seldom heard a job seeker say any of these things:
- I am spending too much time on the job boards
- I don’t think I am doing a good job communicating what I am looking for when I talk to people
- I think I need to improve how I follow up after I apply for a job
- I didn’t interview as well as I could have and need to improve how I talk about my successes
I believe it is how we are hard-wired. Some of us, especially during times of stress, just can’t get out of our own way. We get stuck in the same line of thinking or we are too close to the subject to look at what we could be doing differently. And, doing things differently is scary, hard, uncomfortable!
The Dare
The other day, on my Career Sherpa Facebook page, I double-dog-dared the folks following that page to complete a job search assessment and show it to me.
You know what? NO ONE, not one single person responded. So I put out a triple-dog-dare yesterday. Still no response. I even said I would provide my suggestions on how to fix their job search at no cost. No discussion, no questions, nothing.
What’s Wrong?
First, I could be my fault. I am not doing the best job engaging that group and “talking with them”. They don’t “know me” or understand how and why I can help them (which is all I really want to do.)
Second, seldom do people want to admit they need help.
Third, some people don’t like a challenge.
Fourth, accountability is tough stuff. Who wants to be told what they SHOULD be doing, especially if it is difficult.
The Challenge
Every year, this time of year, hundreds and thousands of people head for the gym with a New Year’s resolution to begin exercising. They pay good money for a gym membership. They realize that getting healthy is an investment and will take time and hard work.
So my challenge to you is this:
Are you ready to make your job search healthy?
Complete this questionnaire and return it to me. Job Search Check Up
Don’t wait. I am only making this available for the next 2 days (the offer expires end of day Saturday, January 7th)
If I can, we’ll talk, but if I get slammed, I will send you my suggestions, comments, and thoughts via email instead. AT NO COST TO YOU!
(send it to careersherpa at gmail dot com)
I am hoping the response is huge.
I came across a great quote yesterday and I hope it strikes a chord with you.
“You are your choices.” ~Seneca

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.