I am pleased to present this month’s carnival and its collection of informative and thought-provoking posts!
You will find a brief summary under each article and I hope you decide to click through to the author’s site. This monthly carnival allows you to do some one stop viewing of wonderful experts and a variety of advice.
Next month’s Career Development Carnival will be on Elephant’s At Work! Lynn Dessert and I look forward to seeing you there.
Career Management
The Seasons of your Career Search for Authentic Leadership by Dan Ryan
Just like our lives, our careers too go through seasons. Read on and see how your career winter, spring, summer and autumn influence your path.
Pathways to Success Arthur’s Blog by Arthur Catalanello
Tips and information were recently shared at an entrepreneurial conference I participated in. This information applies to all professionals regardless of their entrepreneurial interests and employment status.
Four Ways to Collect SOme New $100 Bills WorkingKind by Vickie Elmer
The new $100 bill just debuted. Most people will never earn that much an hour, but you could aim for it with these four approaches.
Knowing When Your Career Tank is on Empty Career Pivot by Marc Miller
Your career tank can be similar to your automobile gas tank in that you have to fill it up from time to time. You have to make sure you have enough motivation, energy and positive relations with your current employer that if you want to make a change, you can do so relatively painlessly. If you wait until your career tank is on empty, just like with your car, there’s a risk you’ll wind up stranded and stuck.
Be the Lead Dog Career Sherpa by Hannah Morgan
What does it mean to be the lead dog? No matter what career level you are in, it is never too late or too early to ask yourself these questions.
Job Search Resources
Are You Selling Yourself In Your Job Search? Hire Imaging by Barb Poole
You’ve come so far in your job search. Now you’ve got their attention. Uncomfortable or not, you’ve got to sell. You’re the product and they are the buyers. What’s your selling proposition?
Prepared for the Job Interview Finale? Getting Caught Off-guard Can Kill Your Chances Business Fitness by Dawn Lennon
The way you close your interview leaves a lasting impression. That means answering the interviewer’s final question the right way and well: “Do you have any questions for me?” The questions you ask the interviewer have the potential to differentiate you from other candidates in a big way.
LinkedIn Recruiter: 12 Insider Secrets You Need to Know For Your Job Search Chameleon Resumes Blog by Lisa Rangel
LinkedIn Recruiter is a powerful reason why job seekers need to be on LinkedIn properly in order to be found by recruiters. Learn how to be found by recruiters on LinkedIn.
Are you using effective formatting in your resume? Design Resumes by Julie Walraven
What will you do to improve the readability of your resume? Not only do you need value-infused accomplishments and the right key words but you need to create an attractive, eye-catching document that will get read. This combination of great writing, value, and formatting will land your resume in the right hands to get you hired.
7 Power Words That MUST Be on Your Resume The Savvy Intern by Mark Babbitt
Another resume from another early careerist. Another rejection. Why? Because today, employers are looking for certain characteristics above all else; aspects of your work life that make you stand out above all your competitors. And trust me when I say that those traits have nothing to do with being “detail-oriented”, a “hard worker” or a “team player” – or any other cliché now included on almost every resume.
Absolutely Abby: Success for the Seasoned Search -The Benefit of Being Overqualified Elephants at Work by Lynn Dessert
When is the last time someone said you were overqualified for a job? Next time, let them know you are absolutely qualified!
Find the Best Executive Resume Writer For You: Where and How to Search Executive Career Brand by Meg Guiseppi
This is part 2 of 3 explaining How to Find and Assess Top Executive Resume Writers, and Personal Branding and Job Search Strategists. This post should help arm you with objective assessment criteria.
Networking Tips
Are you Faceless on LinkedIn? Calgary Resume Writer by Adrienne Tom
Many people are creating LinkedIn profiles without a photo and appearing faceless and out of reach. This post offers insight on how a professional photo can attract more visitors and help increase engagement.
Got Your Six Hell In the Hallway by Deborah Mourey
Got Your Six means, I’ve got your back…it’s military lingo. I like it because it reminds me of what our soldiers have done for us and it reminds me to pay attention to others who have helped me; even to say a simple thank you.
Thanks again to the contributors.

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded CareerSherpa.net to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.