This collection of articles provides tips and advice to help you master your career this year! But if job search is part of the plan, you will find helpful resources in here too!
Do you want to master your career this year? Then start by taking action on some of these career management tips or improving your personal brand. There’s a lot of information to help you take your career to the next level.
Out of Love with Your Job? 5 Tips for You on Careerfolk by Donna Sweiden
Close to 50% of working professionals throughout the world are not happy in their job. According to Freud, “Love and Work” are the two central elements to happiness. These days so many people feel like they have no choice to stay on in miserable work situations, and for many there is no out, but there are very strategic steps people can take to make a move. But first one has to decide it’s time to move on.
5 Traits to Avoid In a Boss on Career Pivot by Marc Miller
You Say You Hate Your Boss! How the heck did you get into this position, and what are you going to do so it does not happen again? The number 1 reason people change jobs is …. the boss!
Emotional Intelligence Equals Effective Performance on Rochester Democrat & Chronicle – HerRochester by Beth Sears
More people lose their jobs due to poor interpersonal skills than ever due to job skills. By developing personal and social skills that allow you to identify how your behavior affects others, you can learn skills that help you be the best you can be.
Want to Strengthen Your Team? Try Some Adversity on Search for Authentic Leadership by Dan Ryan
Adversity is a great way to mold a team. Read along as we discuss how adversity can be your best friend when putting your team together.
Full Disclosure During a Job Interview on HR Bartender by Sharlyn Lauby
What’s the best way to explain gaps in your job history? Two career experts share their insights. (You may be familiar with these two experts, Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter (CareerTrend) and Lisa Rangel (Chameleon Resumes), they’ve contributed to carnivals in the past!)
6 Tips To Looking For A Job While You Are Employed on Design Resume by Julie Walraven
If you have a job, should you be looking for a new one? In short, if you are unhappy with your job, you can look for another one.
The 3 Most Important LinkedIn Profile SEO Places for Relevant Keywords on Executive Career Brand by Meg Guiseppi
Pack your most-searched relevant keywords in the LinkedIn profile spots that rank higher with LinkedIn’s search algorithm.
Using LinkedIn to Find a Job – Tip #11 on Acacia HR Solutions by Sabrina Baker
There are tons of ways to use LinkedIn to connect with companies and hiring managers. It all begins with building your network. Here is a unique way to use those “Whats Happening with Your Network” emails to reconnect or strengthen relationships.
Are You Taking Advantage of These 5 LinkedIn Tricks? on Chameleon Resume by Lisa Rangel
Savvy users know how to make the most of LinkedIn to build their personal brand and get noticed by employers fast and often. Here are a few lesser-known LinkedIn tricks you can start implementing today.
From Mediocre to Must-Interview: A 7-Step Resume Makeover on Savvy Intertern by Mark Babbitt
Statistically speaking, most resumes – no matter how good we think they are – stink. Within the first 6 seconds of review, at least 60% of resumes are thrown away by hiring systems or recruiters.
Changing your resume from a “1 in 500” – and being seen as just another also-ran – to the “1 in 10” that got the interview, can be accomplished with relatively little effort. Here are the steps to build a truly great resume – and their theoretical impact (from the recruiter perspective) on how a resume moves through the decision-making process.
Why Stellar Employees Sell Themselves Short in the Job Search on The Job Quest by Melissa Cooley
When preparing for a job hunt, job seekers should work to find the extraordinary stories and accomplishments from their careers that will set them apart. And yet, even star employees struggle to articulate their unique value. Why is that?
Do You Have Networking Credibility In Your Job Search? on Hire Imaging by Barb Poole
Networking in your job search works beautifully but not perfectly. To guarantee your networking credibility and “honor”, know what your contacts can and can’t do for you.
Telling Your Story Has Never Been More Important by Hannah Morgan, Career
These articles should get you on your way and help you master your career this year!

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.