To better manage your finances while job hunting you will need to do more than just stick to a budget. You need to reduce expenses and spending. ...
How to Design an Infographic Resume and Make a Great First Impression
Tired of writing a traditional text resume? Design an infographic resume instead. Now making a great first impression is absolutely within your control. ...
Embrace Intentional Serendipity in the Job Search
Call it luck, chance, or serendipity... sometimes good things happen!
You can take steps to increase the odds that your next job or your dream career finds you. You just need to practice ...
7 Tips for Using Your Job Search Time Wisely
Searching for a new job is nobody’s favorite pastime.
In order to land your dream job in the shortest amount of time possible, you must learn to use your job search time wisely. Knowing where to ...
How to Create a Cohesive Social Branding Kit
If someone were to look up you on social media right now, what would their first impression be of you?
If you have no idea how to answer that question, then you probably haven’t given much thought to ...
How Social Media Can Help You Get Your Dream Job
Social media is a huge part of human culture. In fact, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram have a combined 2.3 billion users. That’s roughly one-third the amount of people on the planet. Let’s ...
5 Things You Need if You Want Your Resume to Be Seen
When you apply for a job online, your resume will be one of hundreds. Learn what you MUST do if you want your resume to be seen! ...
5 Things You Need to Know About Applicant Tracking Systems
It’s fairly well known that busy recruiters and hiring managers barely glance at a resume for ten seconds before deciding which pile it lands in. However, not many job seekers understand how to get ...