These are the top 50 Twitter accounts to follow for job search advice in 2018! They provide everything you’ll need for your job search!
Wouldn’t it be great to have access to only the best job search advice? That’s what you’ll find on this list.
I’ve selected Twitter users who are are real practitioners- coaches, recruiters, HR professionals and resume writers who live this stuff every day. You’ll get up-to-date information on recruiting trends and how recruiters think. You’ll also find advice on personal branding and tips on how to use social media!
These folks tweet regularly about job search. You can expect these active Twitter users to post at least once a day, if not more!
Do you think you should be on this list? Do you have over 5,000 followers? Do you share job search content written by other people? Are you regularly active on Twitter? Send me a DM on Twitter and we can chat!
If you are looking for a list of people tweeting about general career advice and leadership so you can get ahead in your job, be happier, have a better work-life balance, you need to follow this list instead > careeradvice
Follow This List On Twitter
If you want an easy way to follow everyone on this list, just click on this link
@Careersherpa Hannah Morgan (yes, me)
@Absolutely_Abby Abby Kohut | Absolutely Abby
@AlisonDoyle Alison Doyle | The Balance
@AmyLAdler Amy L. Adler
@AvidCareerist Donna Svei | Avid Careerist
@bob_mcintosh_1 Bob McIntosh | Things Career Related
@hireimaging Barb Poole | Hire Imaging
@intellegojobs IntellegoJobs | Intellego Jobs
@JacobShare Jacob Share | JobMob
@JobHuntOrg Susan P. Joyce |
@Jobjenny Jenny Foss | Job Jenny
@JobSearchAmanda Amanda Augustine | Amanda Augustine
@JobscanCo JobScanCo |
@MiriamSalpeter Miriam Salpeter | Keppie Consulting
@markadyson Mark A. Dyson | The Voice of Job Seekers
@phyllismufson Phyllis Mufson | Featured Expert on
@workcoachcafe Work Coach Cafe | Work Coach Cafe
@workitdaily Work It Daily | Work It Daily
@CareerPivot Marc Miller | Career Pivot
@KerryHannon Kerry Hannon | Kerry Hannon
@NancyCollamer Nancy Collamer | My Lifestyle Career
@UnretirementPro The Unretirement Project | The Unretirement Project
@YouTern | The Savvy Intern on YouTern
@Adrienne_Tom Adrienne Tom | Career Impressions
@ErinKennedyCPRW Erin Kennedy, CPRW | Professional Resume Service
@GreatResume Jessica Hernandez | Great Resumes Fast
@LisaRangel Lisa Rangel | Chameleon Resumes
@ResumeExpert Laura Smith-Proulx | An Expert Resume
@ResumeWoman Michelle A. Riklan | Riklan Resources
@RisingStarRes Lynda Spiegel | Rising Star Resumes
@ValueIntoWords Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter | CareerTrend
@ed_han Ed Han | LinkedIn for Job Search on
@hrbartender Sharlyn Lauby | HR Bartender
@JLipschultz Jeff Lipschultz | Jeff Lipschultz Blog
@jimstroud Jim Stroud | Jim Stroud
@KatrinaMCollier Katrina M Collier | The Searchologist
@nickcorcodilos Nick Corcodilos | Ask The Headhunter
@Recruiterdotcom | for Job Seekers
@SocialTalent Johnny Campbell | SocialTalent
@StacyZapar Stacy Zapar | Tenfold
@tonyrestell Tony Restell | Social-Hire
@WillRecruits Will Thomson | Bulls Eye Recruiting
@dorieclark Dorie Clark | Dorie Clark
@MegGuiseppi C-suite Branding| Executive Career Brand
@RyanRhoten Ryan Rhoten | Ryan Rhoten
@WilliamArruda William Arruda | Reach Personal Branding
@DonnaSerdula Donna Serdula | LinkedIn-Makeover
@LinkedInExpert Viveka Von Rosen | Vengreso
More Job Search Advice
Follow the websites too if you like. Since not everyone tweets, you’ll find more advice for your job search through websites listed in 50+ Best Websites for Job Search 2017.
Sneak Peek At What You’ll See
A Twitter List by careersherpa
Twitter Lists
Twitter can feel overwhelming. Lists provide a great way to organize and prioritize what you see! That’s why you need to create lists. If you are looking for tips to help you use Twitter better and how to use it for your job search, check out this article.
How To Find Smart People To Follow on Twitter
Twitter Chats
Twitter chats are a super way to interact in real time with other people! You can learn more about Twitter Chats here. Twitter Chat: Do You Participate?

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.