Here’s a list of the top 10 blogs to stay up-to-date with your career and what’s going on in today’s world.
Staying up-to-date sometimes is the last thing on your mind. After all, you’re working a job, (or looking for a job) and spending time with family and friends, who has time. Or maybe you find yourself overwhelmed by resources or don’t know where to go.
There are tons of opinions, angles, experts, gurus and professionals sharing their messages out there and not all provide the same advice. That is the good news! If everyone were saying the same thing, what a boring world it would be.
I’ve shared these job search and career lists before, so I won’t rehash. They rocked then and the still rock today!
Best Sites and Blogs For Job Search
I Read These Top 10 Blogs To Stay Up-To-Date
This list is about inspiration, motivation, deep thinking, bigger thinking, opening up to new ideas, and learning new things! Honestly, I regularly read them all. How do I fit it in…my little secret? I wake up at 4 am and start my day by catching up on the articles that catch my attention.
Personally, I used to use Google Feedreader which let me surf articles by topic, keyword, or date. I recently migrated over to Feedly which is visually appealing, easy to use and does the trick. I don’t want my email clogged with blog posts (I get too much email already) so the reader lets me browse the material when I want it.
I hope you check these top 10 blogs to stay up-to-date out and add your new favorites to a reader of choice (or if you prefer, subscribe to get their updates emailed to you!)
TedX- Ideas Worth Spreading
You can find all of the above on this one site! TedX is filled with new ideas, great thinkers, and just great information. It is truly the “thinking person’s site.” Search around. You’ll certainly learn something new! In case you don’t know, these are videos of presentations.
Keith Ferrazzi
Keith is an author and thinker. He is also a huge advocate of networking and professional development. These are just some of the topics he addresses, you only need to look at the categories on his sidebar- they say it all:
Behavioral Engineers, conflict resolution, communication, goal setting, leadership, our values, relationship mapping, virtual teams…these are just some, to give you a flavor!
What a wonderful way to improve your life! They cover almost every topic, from how to de-fog your shower door to the best computer tricks and everything in between. They’ve got career advice too!
This is one of the best sources for news and resources about social media. If you have a question about Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or any network, Mashable’s got your answer. I’m a Gen Xer and have a mild obsession with technology, in order to stay up with all the changes, this is a good place to go!
This site is brought to you by Behance and it is very career-related. It is visually appealing and offers practical advice and insights for productivity and personal and professional growth! If you aren’t familiar with Behance, it is a network that showcases creative work by designers, etc. It offers online portfolios and a place businesses can go to source solutions from graphic design to website development.
Fast Company
Originally a magazine, they’ve grown into an amazing online mega-media resource. Topics include business, innovation, leadership, technology, ideas, and more. Some of their regular features include:
Harvard Business Review
Where cutting edge thinkers write and review and share! I could spend all day on this site. The short daily management tips are simple yet effective reminders for anyone (manager or not). While some of the materials and articles are only accessible for a fee, the majority of this site is pure gold.
Smartbrief Your Career
What a great way to see some of the popular and/or important issues around careers. This content is collected from various sites by the Smartbrief career editors. A variety of voices and topics ensures this is always fresh!
Chris Brogan
Generating new business ideas, trying new things, leading the pack…that’s what Chris is doing. His is on the cutting edge of social media and how to use it to capture the attention of your market, whoever that may be. It is interesting to see and hear what he’s up to and the way he writes to his audience makes me feel like he’s writing just for me!
Seth Godin
Author, marketer, and crazy creative out-of-the-box inspiration. My early days blogging were inspired by the the short, thought-provoking posts by Seth. Even today, I am moved and motivated by many of the posts he so succinctly writes.

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.