There are a lot of super resources on the internet for job search help. But what do career experts think are the best job search tools?
I agree, it can be overwhelming to find the best tools. This post, and the others written by the experts of Career Collective (down below), will help you sift through the data to find the most useful tools for your job search toolbox.
My all-time favorite tool for building a successful job search and keeping you on track is the MARKETING PLAN.
Your Marketing Plan lays out the following:
- Functions you excel at
- Statement of your benefits (summary of qualifications or elevator speech)
- Market preferences (industries, geographic locations, size of company)
- List of target companies
Creating this document is going to help you clarify where you want to go to prevent the “spray and pray” approach to selling. You have targets!
However, you will need to explain to your specific audience how you want them to use your plan which you have placed in front of them. The HOW is dependent on whom you are speaking. Here are some different scenarios:
Past co-worker:
Ask them for additional job titles they have seen that are similar to what you do “What else are they calling what we do out there?”
Ask them to provide you with names of people they know in your target companies “Do you know anyone I could speak to at any of these companies? I am looking for information on what it is like to work there?”
Someone inside a target company:
Ask to have them review your summary of qualifications/elevator speech. “Do you think this background might be of value within your company?” and/or “Does this sound like something your company might be interested in?”
Hiring Manager or above:
Ask them where they think your background may be of value “Where do you think this background might fit within your company?” “Do you know any other companies that might have a need for this type of experience?”
That is why your Marketing plan has to be very well crafted and thought out. It has to do a very good job of spelling out what makes you unique and specifically what skills you bring to the table.
To fine-tune your plan, understand the various job titles and required skills. Visit these two sites for additional help:
ONet Search and Listing of Occupations
I am honored to be part of Career Collective, a community of extremely talented resume writers and career coaches. This post is one of many responses to “best job search tools“.
I encourage you to visit other members’ responses linked below. Please follow our hashtag on Twitter: #careercollective.
I want to thank Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, MRW, CPRW, CEIP ( and Miriam Salpeter ( for bringing this team of experts together.
If your industry does not participate online, you can lead the way, @Keppie_Careers
In a Job Search, Knowledge is Power, @barbarasafani
Jump Start Your Job Search Now!, @resumeservice
Favourite Resources for Jobseekers, @GayleHoward
Find What You Do Best, Know Your Stuff, and Connect, @chandlee
Favorite Social-Media Resources for Job-seekers, @KatCareerGal
Canadian Resources for Job Seekers, @EliteResumes @MartinBuckland
A Self-Empowering Job Search Resource, @KCCareerCoach
Covering your bases: 5 ultra-useful online career resources, @LaurieBerenson
Favorite resources for Job seekers, @DawnBugni
Top 3 Resources for Job Seekers to Position Themselves as Experts and Increase their Visibility, @expatcoachmegan
Time as a Career Resource: How “Not” to Squander It, @ValueIntoWords
Favorite Internet Resources for Jobseekers, @ErinKennedyCPRW
The Facts Behind Why LinkUp Is the Most Revolutionary Job Search Engine Available to Job Seekers, @GLHoffman

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.