Summary Sunday is a collection of posts from this week I’ve found and shared. I attempt to put them in some sort of related order to make a point or help increase your level of awareness and knowledge. I hope you find these posts as helpful as I did!
The new workplace
If I had one wish this week (today) for every person employed today, it would be to understand the messages in this post (with videos) from GigaOm in the interview with John Hagel.
He is cited as one of the foremost thinkers on technology and its impact on the future of work. He’s also co-authored “The Power of Pull”.
This post “The Future of companies and the modern workforce”will help you understand where we’re heading and why!
Part 1: The State of the Company
Part 2: The Changing Corporate World
Part 3: The Modern Workforce
If you want to understand why there aren’t any “jobs” out there today and why big companies keep laying off and why YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR VIEWS today, please watch and listen!
Twitter Chats for Job Seekers
The other great post this week is from Tim Tyrell-Smith who posted this on On Careers.
Twitter Chats for Job Seekers
There are three popular Twitter chats specifically for job seekers. To learn more about them, read this post.
There’s been a lot written about Twitter chats. Here are some more posts you may want to dive into for more information:
How to use Twitter to find a job from Keppie Careers
Secrets, Twitter Chat tools and JobHuntChat Anniversary from Blogging4Jobs
What Twitter Chats can do for your Job Search from CareerRocketeer
Tackling Twitter from Campus to Career
Along this same line is an upcoming conference hosted by TweetMyJobs. This is the first of its kind conference via Twitter. Experts will be tweeting their career advice. It is July 19th, so there is still time to register (free). Follow the hashtag #jobs4us . This is a link to the agenda!
Google +
I have been a bit distracted this week setting up my Google circles and trying to figure out how I might use this new social tool differently than I use LinkedIn and Twitter.
Chris Voss created this helpful video on how to set up circles…for those of you ready to give Google + a whirl.
How to set up your circle of friends

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.