Welcome to my round up of informative career and job search posts from around the web! On Sunday’s I share some of the posts I’ve found that strike a chord or hit a nerve. I hope you enjoy them! (Now, if only I could get paid to read all these great articles I share!)
Social Media Isn’t A Magic Wand! You aren’t going to automatically get hired or have someone call you out of the blue because you are on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or any social network. And I don’t think it is a replacement for job boards.
So what is the purpose of social media in your job search? Building relationships. You know how hard that is! These tools help you build new connections with people who might be helpful and whom you can help! Remember, give to get!
First Things First
Before you jump in and try to build relationships, be sure you’ve got the right message and know what you are looking for. If you don’t know what type of job you are seeking then focus on the transferable skills you love to use! Here, this post from Inc. has expert advice from two of my favorite personal branding professionals, Meg Guiseppi and Dan Schawbel.
Create Your Personal Brand: 8 Steps from Inc.
Focus On LinkedIn First
LinkedIn is the go-to source for professional networking and hiring so master this first. I love saying that social media is like a foreign language- once you’ve mastered one, the others are easier to pick up. My hunch is you can learn a lot more about how to get the most out of LinkedIn.
LinkedIn Tagging: Another Digital Hack on Dreamland Interactive by Todd Schnick
The Five Most Worthless Phrases In Your LinkedIn Headline from CareerRocketeer
Facebook Isn’t Just Blabber
I know. A lot of you are saying you want your Facebook account to be where you go to interact with family and friends. You can still do that. But don’t stop there (at least during your job search) Read the following post with some ideas of how you can get more job search bang from Facebook.
How To Use Facebook to Find A Job from Career Enlightenment
Networking Follow Up
Probably my favorite post of the week! Don’t let the title fool you- follow up is follow up. There are some ideas in here to make your networking meeting follow up that much better.
10 Proven Strategies to Make Your Follow Up from Social Media Marketing World More Effective from Social Media Examiner
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and feel free to share any of these articles with people in your network!

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded CareerSherpa.net to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.