First, I would like to thank you for checking out my blog! I hope you know how much I appreciate each and every reader who stops by! Really, I do. And the reason I write and curate information is to help educate new job seekers on the sometimes subtle and not so subtle changes in job search.
I’ve rounded up posts on different topics that I believe are important to share! If you are following me on Twitter (@CareerSherpa), you may have seen me share these posts this week. In reality, I realize that many are still not on Twitter and may have missed this advice I shared from others. Or perhaps I overwhelmed you with my regular updates and you missed some of these. In either case, hope these help you.
Another way you can catch what is being shared on Twitter without being there is to view “Job Search Guide” on You can subscriber (at no cost) to get the weekly summary of job search and career articles written by the experts I follow here.
The 10 Best Interview Questions to Ask from Yahoo by Alison Green
Personal Branding
25 Personal Branding Tips You Can Do In 5 Minutes from JobMob by Jacob Share (@JacobShare)
Job Search
#HFChat Transcript from May 4, 2012 by Tom Bolt (@TomBolt) and HRMargo (@margorose) and many others!!!
The fast-moving live version is a lot of fun, but you can see the transcript. This was the topic: “What Are Some Best Practices for a Tech Job Seeker?” The guests were from Intuit and it was hosted by Dice!
Self Leadership/Confidence
Never Let Others Define You. Never. by Ted Coine (@TedCoine) from Switch and Shift
Feeling Stuck? 5 Questions to Ask from LeadBig by Jane Purdue (@TheHRGoddess)
When It Comes to Networking, Farmers Will Always Beat Hunters From Entrepreneur
What Recruiters Look At During The 6 Seconds They Spend On Your Resume from Business Insider
Image From TheLadders Eye-Tracking Study
If you want receive my regularly updated posts, Subscribe to Career Sherpa: Guide for Lifetime Career Navigation by Email

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.