Got an upcoming interview? It is time to learn how to interview better!
It seems that any post written about how to interview better is doing well on my social media streams. I guess that’s a good thing. Assuming you actually have an interview in the wings. Otherwise, interviewing can only be obtained if you have been proactively job seeking. By that I mean identifying target companies, networking, and doing the two-step. So first, please read Liz Ryan’s post below!
Don’t Waste Time with Online Job Applications- Here’s Why by Liz Ryan on LinkedIn
Seriously, this is the ONLY post I want you to read this week if you are job seeking or plan to!
How to Answer Interview Questions About Being Laid-Off by Alison Doyle | About Careers
How much or how little do you share about the reason you are no longer with a company? Find out Alison’s strategy here and peruse her other related articles on answering these types of tough interview questions.
Company Promised a Second Interview – Ask #HR Bartender by Sharlyn Lauby | HR Bartender
This scenario happens A LOT! Here’s how Sharlyn recommends you hand these situations!
Test For Emotional Intelligence And Hire Better by Greg Rokos | TalentCulture
This is written for HR, however, you should understand the logic being used by your interviewer! Hint hint, evaluating EQ is a popular strategy being used!
30-60-90-Day Plan: Your Key To Getting The Job Offer by Peggy McKee | CAREEREALISM
This is a fabulous strategy for positioning yourself as a stand out candidate! Do it!
5 Tips on How to Record a Successful Video Interview | Undercover Recruiter
You don’t want to overlook these five things! Promise me you’ll read this.
What else am I sharing?
Job boards are generally a waste of time. And this #Watchdog report, State Job Board Riddled with Dead Ends, by Todd J. Clausen exposes the flaws with NYS newest job aggregator. (Thanks to Todd for interviewing me for this story!)
Top 100 Career Blogs of 2015 by NewCareer101 is a solid list of career and job search blogs. Add these to your Feedly “career” folder! (Feedly allows you to read current articles by source. It’s free and a great tool! You don’t have to subscribe to all these blogs and clog your email. It all shows up in Feedly. Learn how to use it by reading this tutorial by Ian Cleary of RazorSocial)

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.