Job search is not as simple as finding a job online, applying and landing a job offer.
If you’ve been looking for a job, you already know this. But how much do you really know about job search and the best-practices that will help you secure a new job…faster?
You don’t know what you don’t know.
So isn’t it time you increase your knowledge about today’s job search!
The articles in this post are pulled from some of my favorite job search resources (and I’ve shared them on Twitter this week). I do the heavy lifting of finding helpful articles across the web and share them for your education. If you want this information real-time, follow me on Twitter! Promise, I don’t spam or self-promote. I’m on Twitter to share educational information to help my followers!
The Top Job Search Articles of 2016
by Jacob Share | JobMob
Personal Websites for Job Seekers (And How To Create One)
by Dana Leavy | Brooklyn Resume Studio
Yes, I truly believe every professional should have a personal website today. It just makes sense to own your own digital terrain! See how simple it can be to create one by reading this article.
5 Reasons Job Seekers Will Use Instagram Stories Not Snapchat for their Job Search
by Mark Anthony Dyson | LinkedIn Pulse
Great insight about new ways for people to engage and promote their personal brand!
45 Questions to Ask in Your Job Interview
by Susan P. Joyce |
Joyce says “Asking good questions shows that you are interested and prepared. The answers to those questions should also help you decide whether or not you want to work for the employer.”
Learn how to show your interest and evaluate a job opportunity and company by asking questions. These should help!
14 Things You Should Do After A Job Interview
by Rachel Gillett | Business Insider
How you follow-up after an interview can determine your fate. You’ll find tips to help you navigate the post-interview process here.
30 Things College Students Should be Doing on LinkedIn Right Now
by Mark S. Babbitt | YouTern
Babbitt lays out the answer to “So what do I put in my LinkedIn profile if I’m only a student? And what do I do there?”
Technically, these answers work for ANYONE.
24 Career Experts Answer the Question “How to Find the Best Career for Me?”
by Noel Griffith | CareerWiki
There is no magic wand to help you uncover your calling (or even the best career). But, if you are trying to figure out what to do next, this collection of advice from career experts can help! Spoiler alert: most of us agree- it isn’t “once and done.” You will change careers/jobs a lot. So the advice focuses on aligning your interests, passions, values, goals, ambitions with roles that fit!
I was honored to be invited to include my answer along with the others included here.
Make a plan and stick with it!

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.