Interviewing, personal branding and Twitter help are the theme of this week’s Summary Sunday. If you are looking for help in these areas, this is for you! I consume a lot of content online each week. Most of it I’ll share on Twitter (so follow me @careersherpa). If you aren’t using it yet, stay tuned. This week I’ll be providing pointers on how to get started with Twitter. As I’ve said before, Twitter isn’t stupid if you are following smart people!
My heart and thoughts go out today to those in Japan who are enduring the aftermath of the earthquake and Tsunami! (And you think you have it bad as an unemployed job seeker, certainly puts things into perspective, doesn’t it.)
Personal Branding / Reputation Management
10 Steps to Promote Brand “You” with Social Media from Jeff Bullas
Jeff is a prolific writer and quite well known for his knowledge of social media. He is someone I definitely recommend you follow.
10 Tips for Integrating Social Media into Your Job Search by Neal Schaffer from Business to Community
Neal is normally found on his own blog, Windmill Networking. He’s been writing and speaking about how to use social media for awhile. It is good stuff.
The market is slowly beginning to “pop”. Some industries and companies are hiring and with that comes interviews! You can’t just wing it. You need to rehearse, but not too much. Here are some helpful posts on how to interview better!
Interview Like A Consultant from Recruiting Inferno by Steve Levy
Steve identifies questions you’ll need answers too by the end of an interview. Here they are
What are the problems of the company that you hope to resolve/solve?
What are they presently doing to resolve/solve the problems?
What has been previously tried and why did these methods succeed or fail?
What resources – internal and external – will be available to resolve/solve the problems?
Do they have a vision for the work that you will perform?
What are the time constraints to resolve/solve the problems?
What budget has been allocated to resolve/solve the problems and what factors would cause this budget to deviate?
What risks are you and the company willing to take in resolving/solving the problems?
Who are the customers and how do they measure satisfaction?
Go read his full post! It is well worth your time!
How to Get a Second Interview from On Careers by Andrew Rosen
This post contains ideas on how to ensure you get asked back for a second interview! Very creative!
What to do if you can’t stop preparing for interviews from InterviewIQ
Yes, there is such a thing as over-preparing. Karalyn’s post helps solve this problem!

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.