It was a very dark time in our recent history. It was also a highlight. There were so many things that happened that had never happened before (at least during my lifetime), and may never happen again. The huge outpouring of national support. The fact that the Twin Towers collapsed. Attack on the US in the US. The skies empty of airplanes for days.The sense of patriotism or perhaps call it a united spirit within our country. These are the things I remember most. Actually, no, what I remember most is how incredibly blue and cloudless the sky was that day and the days that followed.
Our World Was Rocked
No matter who you are or where you live, September 11 impacted your life. You knew someone related to someone who lost their life. It was the only topic of news for weeks. And it made us re-evaluate our priorities. Parents spent more time with their children, people cashed in vacation days they normally wouldn’t. Life slowed down for a while and their was a singular focus. Value what we have!
We Crave Normal
For many reasons, life goes on. By nature, we crave what we defined as normal. A familiar routine that might make our lives seem like they used to. If we are smart, we learned how to evolve and move forward with a new normal. A normal that incorporates honoring our values. One in which we don’t take anything for granted. A life where neighbors help and support neighbors.
Thomas L. Friedman Knows…
If anyone understand how the definition of normal has changed, it is Thomas L. Friedman. In Sunday’s Op-Ed, where Friedman regularly contributes, he’s written about the new rules! These new rules have to do with education and how we are training our fellow countymen. Friedman says:
The truth is, if you want a decent job that will lead to a decent life today you have to work harder, regularly reinvent yourself, obtain at least some form of postsecondary education, make sure that you’re engaged in lifelong learning and play by the rules. That’s not a bumper sticker, but we terribly mislead people by saying otherwise.
I think 99.9% of what Friedman says is true. I am not saying these new rules are fair or right, but they are today’s reality and no one will guarantee you anything, even if you do follow the new rules, which really stinks! The one thing I question is “playing by the rules.” Quite honestly, the moral code of conduct is not as clear as it used to be. I believe that some rules were made to be broken. The ones that protect only an elite few. The ones that are outdated. The ones that keep our country from moving forward.
Do me a favor, please read Thomas Friedman’s Op-ed. If you haven’t read the most current edition of “The World is Flat”, please do so! It explains a lot.

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.