Getting New Followers, Friends and Customers
How will you market and promote your business now and in the future, even if your business is you? One answer I’ve heard is:
“Social media, of course!”
Or another answer is:
“I’m going to continue to rely on my past customers and word-of-mouth.”
Social media is not a magic wand solution. Word-of-mouth is great but can only get you so far. The good news is, both answers are on the right track because they are based on the understanding that you can’t grow your business alone.
So how do you go from 0 to 17,000 followers, or 0 to 800 likes or even 0 to 10,000 views?
What I know from growing my own business is that it can be done, I did it, and yes, it requires a lot of sweat equity and time. But one of the most important lessons I learned was that I needed to belong to a community in order to make an impact. I couldn’t do it alone.
Ta da! Officially Announcing Our Book
Miriam Salpeter and I co-authored Social Networking For Business Success: How To Turn Your Ideas Into Income. It was written for freelancers, small business owners, or anyone wanting to earn extra income, learn how to join the social networking party.
We both successfully grew our base of friends, followers and customers while learning some lessons along the way. (In fact, we’re still learning.) In our book, we share some of our lessons learned and “best-practices” on how to use social networks and online tools. Not just theoretically, but tactics you can actually implement and won’t take you endless hours to figure out, because we’ve already done that for you.
Social Media for Business Success is a 368 page reference guide to direct you through the stuff you know you should be doing online but aren’t sure how. Our entire book is about leveraging community, creating partnerships and eliciting support from raving fans online and in person. The end-results:
- Demonstrate your expertise.
- Grow your network.
- Learn new things.
- Sell your goods or services.
Let us save you time and so you can do it right the first time!
Why You Need This Book
If you’ve been dragging your feet and pushing off social media for fear it will take too much time or you won’t see results, then I’ve got news for you- you’ll never see results unless you try it! Social media is here to stay and whether you are starting a new business, trying to create multiple income streams or trying to market yourself in today’s competitive job market, you need this book.
See these testimonials from people we’ve asked to preview the book.
Our book contains ideas that will work for almost any type of business. And to be clear, we don’t subscribe to the belief that its possible to become an overnight sensation or make thousands of dollars your first month. We talk about real strategies and walk you through various, implementable actions that will build visibility and awareness and ultimately help you grow friends, followers and customers.
We hope you’re curious enough to check it out. And if you are thinking about buying a copy, you should wait until September 3rd. Why wait?
When you buy your book on Amazon September 3rd, you’ll get our checklist about how to create a branded bio and you’ll be part of a no-cost Q&A call-in with Miriam and I where you can ask your social networking questions and pick our collective brains. (Click here and fill out the form to access this special offer.)
Remember, buy it September 3rd!
Mark you calendar and head over to Amazon on September 3rd. It’s our special way of saying thank you and celebrating Labor Day. And if you know someone who would be interested in this book, share the news!
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- Or visit our book’s site here
Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.