While some of the world’s problems seem mammoth, there is absolutely one thing you can do to increase the odds of landing an interview (and a job!)
Create a fresh new cover letter for EVERY job posting and a customized resume to go along with it!
Seriously. That’s it.
I speak with hiring managers and Human Resources professionals who tell me of their frustrations in not being able to find the right candidates. I know and you know that they are out there. So why can’t they be found?
The cover letters are vague at best. The resume was obviously not refined to match the job description.
Don’t Ignore Your LinkedIn Profile
Regularly I am asked if I know anyone who is a good Project Manager, IT Specialist, or something else. I scratch my head and think, gosh, who do I know. I go to my LinkedIn network and groups to search for people and you know what I find? Vagueness. Lack of focus. Uncertainty. In many cases, I can’t tell what these connections are good at doing.
The first thing someone sees is the headline (job title) immediate under your name. If that doesn’t match your future aspirations, you should fix it!
Also pay attention to the industry you are pursuing. While these folks (below) may have, at one time been in the finance industry, this no longer fits with their future goals. Change it!
And your summary…don’t overlook that. No one will read the whole thing, so you better get to the point very quickly (like, within the first sentence). AND, this should explain where you are going, the value you add or anything else that is relevant (not confusing!)
If I am confused and you are confused, then I think the employer is confused too.
- Have friends you trust review your LinkedIn profile and ask them if your message is clear.
- Offer to help those who are not up to speed on LinkedIn to improve and expand their knowledge
- Help all job seekers understand the importance of customizing their resume!

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded CareerSherpa.net to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.