Instead of focusing your sights on the dream job or any job for that matter, focus instead on being a "giver" or "sharer".
Here's an example: A woman attended a professional group made up of community agencies. She is a job seeker, but did not introduce herself as one. Instead, she introduced herself as an HR professional and circulated her business cards. She offered her HR expertise to those in the room, not as a job seeker, as a giver. Her message and her intent caught the attention of some of the attendees. No one is sure what will happen next, but it could be the beginning of something. You just never know.
When you focus too much on FINDING A JOB, a strange and sometimes un-attractive aura begins to follow you. Leach, mooch, desperate, entitled, over qualified, user or loser are tags I have heard and, dare I admit, even used myself to describe some job seekers. I know they don't mean to be perceived as such. Maybe they have no idea. However, the perceived becomes reality.
On many occasions I have heard job seekers declare "I won't network with other unemployed people". How incredibly short sided. Networking, with anyone, is of value as long as you have a goal in mind. Sharing could be that goal.
- Who do you know who could help someone else?
- What insight can you provide on your industry or occupation?
- Have you heard about a job that might be good for someone else?
- Have you read a good book or article that is worth sharing?
- What resource(s) have you found helpful?
Sharing and giving builds trust. It makes you likable. It is sometimes so rare, it makes you memorable.
In the spirit of sharing, I came across this news that has some new functionality to their site. Here is the article (from Search Engine Watch). This is a small excerpt from the article:
"Simply Hired has also added a "Share" feature that easily enables
searchers to share job listings with their networks on Facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn – as well as through email. This is an easy way to
shoot out a message to social networks to find contacts and referrals."
Can you let me know if any of this works? Add a comment and share!

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.