Peter Weddle’s Newsletter on a Career Do-Over is worth reading, though I will summarize his four key points, or what he calls the “four genuine advantages” in my words, not his:
- You are smarter today than you have ever been
- You have learned from your mistakes
- The slate is clean, you can be and do anything
- You can create a new mountain to climb and conquer
What Weddle is pointing out is that unwanted change can result in positive outcomes. We just need to put a positive spin on our situation.
Sure life is unfair. Sure being let go is embarrassing and humiliating. Sure, being out of work right now is bad timing. What can you do about your situation? Placing blame, being angry, even getting depressed are all expected ranges of emotions. But if you turn this into an opportunity, it will provide a glimmer of hope.
Put on your creative, out of the box thinking hat. If you could do anything, using your previous experiences, what would that be?
Don’t think in terms of the traditional 40 hr week, salaried job. Think like an independent contractor. If you had a house painting business right now, what would you do to promote it and get new clients? How would you “sell” your painting services? You would definately have to understand the thinking of homeowners and businesses. What are their concerns or as someone once said: “what is their pain?” Provide a solution!!!!!
You want the stability and security of the traditional job, but for right now, that might be a little harder to land. Consider the doors that might open if you get your foot in the door?
This non-traditional outlook requires more work and research, however, it is incredibly rewarding when it works. You become in control, rather than a victim. Will you face rejection? Yes, more than 50% of the time. But isn’t that true with submitting resumes too?
If you haven’t read Dr. Seuss’s, Oh, The Places You’ll Go you may want to. It is inspiring, hopeful, honest and funny, all in one. We need a little of that.

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.