Perhaps it takes an innocent by-stander or someone with outside perspective to see what might possibly be the problem with your job search. Here's a checklist of signs that your search needs help:
- You've been attending a networking group for over a month and you still don't know the names of people.
- You have had more than 10 first interviews and zero second interviews.
- When people offer suggestions, you tell them why they won't work for you.
- You don't have a LinkedIn account.
- You believe and state out loud the reason you aren't getting a job is because you are too old or too inexperienced.
- Your father tells you that the Hess Mart is hiring.
- When people ask what you are looking for you say "A JOB".
- Your resume has been sent to over 20 job postings and no one has called you.
- It has been recommended that you change your elevator pitch, but you don't.
- You believe that the job market is the reason you can't find a job.
- You've said more than once, there aren't any good paying jobs.
- You keep applying for jobs at the same company and aren't getting interviews.
- You believe that recruiters are looking for jobs for you.
- You've been told your salary requirements are too high more than once.
- 20 hours a week is all you can spend looking for a job.
- You've got a collection of business cards but can't remember where you met the people.
- You've been given a contact name and don't follow up immediately.
- You believe you are entitled to collect unemployment for as long as the benefits last.
- You can only name 2-3 companies you would like to work for next.
- You believe in being perfectly honest.
- You believe the best time to apply for jobs on-line is between 9-5.
- You can't network because you don't know anyone.
- You've run out of people to talk to about your search
- You don't want anyone to know you are looking for a job.
- You know who'll be on Oprah tomorrow afternoon.
All of these are real answers I've heard. Some I share to make you laugh, some are meant to make you mad and some are meant to make you think.

Hannah Morgan speaks and writes about job search and career strategies. She founded to educate professionals on how to maneuver through today’s job search process. Hannah was nominated as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Job Search and Careers and is a regular contributor to US News & World Report. She has been quoted by media outlets, including Forbes, USA Today, Money Magazine, Huffington Post, as well as many other publications. She is also author of The Infographic Resume and co-author of Social Networking for Business Success.